Monday, December 3, 2012

A Celebration explosion of a weekend...

see Shawn's ring tat?

 I celebrated my birthday publicly for the first time in a couple years. In downtown Chicago. In style. In sequins to be specific!

My mom and my sister's "family in law" met us in the city for a night and sights the next day. These are just the pic's from Shawn's iPhone. I actually didn't bring my camera- out of character, I know. I had so many gifts in my carry on!

The next day we witnessed my sister & her husband get legalize their marriage with a judge and a little party. The whole weekend was a blast, and I'm seeking out pics from others. It was really great to be a part of a big family again. We've always felt far away from our families, but we're determined to travel more. I may have to look into first class after this last flight. I managed to sleep in the weirdest positions and woke up sore! Well, maybe window seats.

Congrats again, Otrezas!

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