Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Waiting is the hardest part, (until the renovations begin)

image from here.

We're waiting to hear if our offer is accepted on a small home nearby. Not to jump the gun, or anything, but we've already gone to Home Depot to price flooring, bathroom fixtures, patio stones, and appliances. Hopefully, it will all work out. In the meantime, I've got Martha Stewart, Jonathan Adler, and Bob Villa on standby.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adorable dancing Hubby

This video combines many of the things I love: choreographed dance, champagne, Ludacris. Pay attention, fellas, because Valentine's day is just around the corner. And by "fellas, " I just mean Shawn. My sweet dancing, singing, show pony.

(discovered first on a friend's Facebook page)