Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rainy Days off- this weekend in pictures

Red sky rainbow

      I look forward to days off together so much. We try to plan activities (and we say it exactly as they do in Step Brothers) that involve exploring new places, landscape planning, and shopping for the house. It rained all day Friday. It's good to know that there's stuff to do when it's not the sunny Florida that we're used to.
   This weekend we discovered a new dog park, and did a lot of landscaping. We transplanted a windmill and two foxtail palms. We spent a day of full thunderstorms at looking at fishing lures, boat dreaming, and cart racing. Surprisingly there was no beach involved at all this weekend. This old house of ours has been quite the activity. (These pictures aren't great since they were from my phone. We were busy, ya know!)
                    My pup practiced his paddle at Snyder park:

 I never realized how much he looks like a beaver in the water. He's so adaptable.
Remembering it was Fresh Friday, we stopped at Marando Farms for some fruit. The hubbs didn't even blink when he swiped his card for the organic goodies. Ha, I have changed that man!
I blended all this and drank it.

Hello, Bass Pro & Outdoor World. You are amazing, and not just for hunters and fishers. I am fascinated by the shooting game, fish tank, and that mosquito net sleeve shirt. 

Leopard print Sperry Topsiders would look great on our future boat, right?

  Shawn saw K1 on the way home. And we were not the only ones who thought this was a cool rainy day activity. There were plenty ten-year-olds kicking our asses on the track. By the way, t-boning the wall isn't as preventable as you would think. Yes, that was me.

 The next day we transplanted three trees, adding a little style to our landscape. We've got great trees, but they were in the wrong places. 
I'm a human clamp!
rings come off, let's get dirty!
Poor teenager had to wear braces for a year.
 Quinoa nachos and hibiscus cucumber beer are the perfect end! Till next weekend!

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